Video Surveillance For The Elderly: How To Use It To Protect An Aging Loved One

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Video surveillance cameras benefit property owners, allowing them to easily see everything inside and outside the building. Some people use these cameras to keep an eye on their homes when they’re at work or away, while others prioritize surveillance in their place of work to prevent theft and other issues. However, did you know that a reliable video surveillance system can be put to good use for aging individuals? You can use a surveillance system in several ways to protect your elderly relative.…

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Wondering Who Is On Your Property After Hours? Get A Commercial Locksmith To Get You Locks You Can Monitor

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As a commercial property owner, it can be difficult to control and monitor who is going in and out of the building. If there have been some concerns inside the building about missing items, or employees being at the property after hours when they aren’t supposed to be, it may be time to change the locks. Instead of everyone having keys, you’ll want to have a commercial locksmith update the locks with a more modern option.…

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The Trouble With A Rotted Wood Door Frame: Why It's An Issue And When To Get It Repaired

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While opening and closing your front door, have you noticed it’s starting to feel stuck? The door may be slightly jammed, making it harder to open or close within seconds as you usually would. When this happens, you could be dealing with rotted wood in the door frame, which will only worsen if untreated. The best thing to do is carefully inspect the door frame and then hire a door repair specialist to complete professional repair services that will improve the condition of your door frame.…

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